Fundraising Europe - uutisia Euroopasta (9.12.2020)

Lue EFA:n tuoreimmat varainhankinnan uutiset - Fundraising Europe

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EFA:n vuosittaisessa Skillshare-tapahtumassa 27.11.2020 julkistettiin tuoreen selvityksen tuloksia. The Impact of Covid-19 on Nonprofits in Europe -raportti on ladattavissa tästä linkistä.

In 2020, lives and livelihoods worldwide were transformed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many fundraising channels were closed off and nonprofits had to find new ways of delivering vital services. EFA came together with Salesforce.Org to take the ‘pulse’ on what the pandemic has meant for nonprofits in Europe, asking about the impact on donation levels, service delivery, fundraising channels and more. We surveyed 797 representatives from nonprofits in 26 nations across Europe during July to October 2020, summarising the findings in this report. Comparisons are made between the six nations with the largest number of responses; the UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and France.